Wethersfield District #230 in cooperation with OSF will be holding a Flu Shot Clinic onsite for our students. Please click on the following links for more information and sign-up:...
Make sure you download the Wethersfield app for One Flock, One Block! It's everything One Block, One Flock , in your pocket. Introduction Video With the new app, you can access...
We pride ourselves on functioning as a family of learners. At Wethersfield, we have developed a strong direction for the future of our students by developing and practicing our ...
Please note the following information: This diagram shows Wethersfield property on E. Garfield St.
This property is provided as a convenience to fans for overflow and/or bu...
A new grant program from the U.S. Department of Energy is poised to send $178 million to American schools for energy efficiency and student health projects. The only funding for I...